Sustainable Trade and investment - Poland
The economic ties between Poland and the Netherlands are booming—exports and investments are growing. Yet, our countries are facing similar challenges: growing mobility, CO2 emissions and climate change. In these areas the Netherlands closely cooperate with Polish organisations, The Polish government and our Polish partners. This creates the opportunity to learn from each other’s solutions by exchanging best practices.
Circular Economy
One of the main priorities of the Embassy’s Economic Section in Poland is supporting the circular economy, which is done by attracting Dutch companies and public organisations to share their know-how and become active on the Polish market. To accomplish this the Embassy organizes activities with focus on sustainable business.
The main annual circular event, where the Netherlands is one of the main partners, is the Circular Week, organized in October by Innowo/Polish Circular Hotspot. Read more about the cooperation in the field of circularity.
The main annual circular event, where the Netherlands is one of the main partners, is the Circular Week, organized in October by Innowo/Polish Circular Hotspot. Read more about the cooperation in the field of circularity.
Energy Transition
Image: ©Rijksoverheid
With ambitious plans to contribute to the development of clean and renewable energy, Poland and the Netherlands are working to strenghten their energy postion by boosting offshore wind energy production. The countries are strategically located on the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts with favourable conditions for constructing offshore wind farms. Read more about the polish and Dutch goals.
Sustainable Mobility
Image: ©BZ
To strengthen cooperation with Poland in the field of sustainable mobility the Embassy organized an e-mobility company mission to Poland.
With more than 500.000 electric cars and around 1500 e-buses on the roads, combined with a dense and advanced network of around 120.000 charging points, the Netherlands can be considered one of the frontrunners in e-mobility worldwide. Learn more about what we do in the field of sustainable mobility.