Culture and People-to-people

Finding solutions together

Working together is the only way to find solutions for social and global challenges. Poland and the Netherlands share values and expertise to cooperate succesfully in many areas.

Let's connect

Our colleagues are happy to help you!
Exchange of knowledge and values is root to successful communication. Combined with cross-border cooperation of civil society organizations, they form the cornerstones of bilateral relations. By deploying history, art and education, the embassy helps to create a platform for intercultural dialogue between Poland and the Netherlands.

School of dialogue

In The Netherlands, over 1000 schools participate in the educational program ‘School of dialogue’ founded in 1998 in the city of Utrecht. Since its introduction in Poland in 2019, the embassy has been supporting the implementation of this program to the effect of an ever-growing amount of Polish schools participating.

The program teaches: individual responsibility, expressing thoughts and feelings, maintaining dialogue on difficult issues and reaching consensus. Thus, teaching today’s youth how to handle themselves in society, to actively participate in public life and build a better future.

History binds us

Dutch Mennonites found a safe haven in Poland; Tylman van Gameren built castles and churches for Polish kings; Princess Marianne van Oranje created roads and founded schools and hospitals in Silesia and we will never forget the brave Polish men who fought for the freedom of Poland and the Netherlands during WWII. The Polish-Dutch connection reaches far back. Honoring that fact, the Embassy is therefore supporting heritage projects, such as an exhibition on General Maczek and his soldiers.

On the big screen

Cultural expression is a way of showing what we stand for, what we believe in, and where we find common ground. In addition to being present at the larger film festivals in Poland with Dutch contemporary cinema; feature films, short films, documentaries, arthouse and genre cinema, Dutch film professionals and experts participate in debates, seminars, workshop programs and industry meetings.

The cultural department acts as liaison between Polish and Dutch professional arts organizations, media and policy makers in Poland and their counterparts in the Netherlands in order to strengthen the international cultural infrastructure.

As a central point within a network of arts organizations, decision-makers and media in Poland, the cultural department informs the Dutch government and cultural centers about relevant developments and opportunities within Poland. The department advises the Dutch cultural funds concerning financial support for performances or exhibitions by Dutch artists in Poland and has possibilities to financially support Dutch related cultural activities in Poland itself.

In general, the focus of its activities is on cultural organizations rather than on individual artists.

Contact details:
Telephone: +48 22 559 12 53
Questions via e-mail

Funding of Dutch cultural presentations abroad is done by the culture funds in the Netherlands. Please explore your possibilities to apply for funding at one of the culture funds in the Netherlands before contacting the embassy.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland has access to limited funds for supporting small-scale projects that contribute to the policy goals of the embassy and is not functioning as cultural fund as such.

An overview of state financed, European Funds and private funding in the Netherlands can be found on the website of Dutch Culture.

Applications can be submitted from January 15th to November 15th each year on standard application forms, which will be send to you upon request.

Cultural funds in the Netherlands

Performing Arts
Performing Arts Fund (Fonds Podiumkunsten)
For music, dance, theatre and festivals.

The Netherlands Film Fund (Nederlands Filmfonds) 
Film productions, festivals and individual training for film professionals.

Architecture, design, e-culture
Creative Industries Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie)
Focuses on all the designing disciplines and on E-culture in a broad sense.

Dutch Foundation For Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds)
Supporting writers and translators, promoting Dutch literature abroad.

Visual Art, design and Photography
Mondriaan Fund (Mondriaan Fonds)
Visual arts and cultural heritage.

Cultural heritage
Mondriaan Fund (Mondriaan Fonds)

Dutch Culture Heritage Desk
Dutch Culture Heritage Desk 
Exchange of knowledge and experience.


Embassy Funds for Culture

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland functions as promoter and supporter of international cultural cooperation and is not operating as cultural fund. The embassy in Poland has access to limited funds for supporting small-scale projects that contribute to the policy goals of the embassy.

The number of applications the embassy receives every year substantially exceeds the available budget. Therefore the embassy has to make a comparative analysis of all project applications. From the many application submitted, only the projects that contribute to the policy goals of the embassy the most, are selected. The grants awarded are conditional upon sufficient funds available in the budget of the embassy.

Policy goals

  • Increase the know-how on the cultural sector of the Netherlands;
  • support small-scale cultural projects with a market expanding effect;
  • promote the Dutch creative industries;
  • strengthen the political-, social-, or cultural dialogue;
  • contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;
  • spread knowledge on Polish-Dutch mutual cultural heritage;
  • popularize Dutch literature;
  • support the ‘Dutch Language Departments’ at the universities in Poland.

Guidelines to cultural projects

  • A project must contribute to the aims of the grant program of the embassy for local cultural projects;
  • application should be submitted at least six weeks prior to the starting date of the project;
  • application must be submitted by a Polish organization;
  • project should be implemented in Poland;
  • local organization must be adequate staffed and should be financially sound;
  • application should be submitted in English language and it has to be signed by a representative of the staff;
  • application should include a transparent and realistic budget proposal;
  • project must be of adequate quality, by both Dutch and Polish standards;
  • support must be essential for the project to take place (in other words, it should not be used to make a "profit");
  • costs have to be shared in a reasonable manner. Not all expenses can be borne by the Dutch side;
  • cost-effect ratio must be acceptable.

Not applicable for funding

  • Honoraria of members of the Polish organization;
  • infrastructural and overhead costs;
  • strictly commercial projects;
  • traditional and general Holland promotion;
  • activities that have already started or taken place;
  • costs related to studies or scientific publications (such as student exchanges, study costs, research and travel costs of students and researchers).

If you wish to apply for funding, please contact the cultural department of the embassy before sending the application.

Applications can be submitted all the year round on standard application forms, which will be send to you upon request.

How to apply for embassy funding?

 Applications can be submitted during January 15th till November 15th each year on standard application forms, which will be send to you upon request.

Send an e-mail to the cultural department of the embassy including your contact details, as well as a short description of the project proposal (max 500 characters).

E-mail address

Questions via e-mail


Download this information as a pdf

Financial support for cultural projects

In the pdf  you will find an overview of culture funds in the Netherlands with guidlines and how to apply for funding.

Publication | 20-04-2021



In the arts, the Netherlands has an international reputation to keep up. Every year, thousands of Dutch artists and cultural organisations travel the world and show that they are easily as talented as their colleagues abroad. The Netherlands itself is also an attractive destination both for budding and established foreign artists, thanks to the excellent infrastructure, an inquisitive public, the easy distances between the major cities and institutions and fast connections to hot spots like Paris, Warsaw and Berlin.

Design, architecture, visual arts and e-culture

Dutch design has received international acclaim, with the design company Droog Design leading the way, while Dutch architecture was made world famous by Rem Koolhaas. Thanks to Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Mondrian and Cobra, the Netherlands was traditionally known as the ‘land of the painters’. What is striking about modern fine arts, however, is the large diversity of media and styles. Many Dutch e-culture organisations are literally pushing back frontiers, among which the functionally pioneering Waag society, the activist Mediamatic and the conceptual V_2. Our tangible and immaterial heritage has many manifestations, and insight into our common cultural heritage contributes to the understanding of our history as well as modern political developments.

Dance and music

Variation is the key word in the art of dance too. Dutch modern dance is internationally renowned. This applies both to an established institution such as Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) and smaller companies led by choreographers such as Emio Greco, Anouk van Dijk and Krisztina de Châtel. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is absolutely world class, but the Netherlands is also trendsetting in other genres than symphonic classical music, with names like Louis Andriessen, DJ Tiësto and Ton Koopman.

Literature and theatre

With only some 23 million speakers, the Dutch language is no world language, but Dutch authors are gaining international popularity thanks to translations of their works, with the International Impac Dublin Award for Gerbrand Bakker’s Boven is het stil (The Twin) as the latest apogee. Young theatre makers such as Dries Verhoeven, Lotte van den Berg and Boukje Schweigman overcame the language barrier with visual and interactive theatre. A leading theatre company like Toneelgroep Amsterdam, with artistic director Ivo van Hove, performs on many international stages, whenever possible in the language of the host country.

Film and fashion

The Dutch film industry is a small but flourishing sector. Dutch art house films and documentaries in particular find their way to international festivals. The Netherlands plays a small but not unimportant role in the international fashion industry, thanks to the many pioneering stylists, marketers, photographers and creative entrepreneurs occupying key positions with major fashion labels, and of course a number of trendsetters like Viktor & Rolf, Marlies Dekker and Alexander Slobbe.

The overview of language courses is not an exhaustive list of institutes and is based on information the embassy has received from the universities and other organizations. For changes please contact by e-mail.

Full-time studies

Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Katedra Filologii Niderlandzkiej im Erazma z Rotterdamu
ul. Kuźnicza 21/22
50-138 Wrocław
tel.: 71 375 27 88
fax: 71 375 29 37
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ośrodek Kultury Niderlandzkiej
ul. Racławickie 14 pok. 945
20-950 Lublin
tel.: 081 445 39 45
fax: 081 445 41 23,art_34124.html

Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Wydział Anglistyki
Zakład Studiów Niderlandzkich i Południowoafrykańskich
Al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań
tel.: 61 829 3506
tel.: 61 829 3572
fax: 61 829 3512
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Wszechnica Polska
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie
Instytut Filologii i Pedagogiki
Pałac Kultury i Nauki, VIII piętro Pl. Defilad 1
00-901 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 129 17 80
tel.: +48 22 656 62 56
tel.: +48 608 670 533
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Dutch language as subsidiary subject

Uniwersytet Warszawski
Instytut Germanistyki UW
ul. Browarna 8/10
00-301 Warszawa
Tel.: 022 55 20 931
Fax: 022 55 20 914
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
ul. Czapskich 5
31-120 Krakow

Uniwersytet Łódzki
Wydział Filologiczny
Katedra Językoznawstwa Niemieckiego i Stosowanego
ul. Sienkiewicza 21
90-114 Łódź
Tel.: 042 635 40 00
Tel.: 042 665 51 15

Language courses

Koło Kultury Niderlandzkiej "WILHELMUS"
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adama Mickiewicza
Sz. P. Katarzyna Zawadzka-Gromada
ul. Brukowa 2
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

ul. Kochanowskiego 18
40-035 Katowice
tel. 32 726 27 78
tel. mobile +48 696 43 41 42
tel. mobile +48 728 36 36 33
fax: +48 32 444 69 40
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Międzynarodowe Centrum Językowe Translator
(również w Chorzowie i Rudziej Śląskiej)
ul. Warszawska 3, IV piętro
40-010 Katowice
tel./fax: 32 206 80 95
info: 0 801 003 073
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Nederland Instituut Kraków
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 118
Tel.: 12 625 18 80
Tel.: 12 625 18 81
Fax: 12 341 54 06
e-mail: Sekretariat
e-mail: Nederland Instituut Kraków

Szkoła Języków Obcych
ul. Traugutta 18, Łódź

Prywatna Szkoła Języków Obcych "The Globe" Izabela Werner
Grunwaldzka 24a/7
10-124 Olsztyn
Tel.: +48 509 577 521
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa „Kadry dla Europy”
ul. P.Mansfelda 4
Poznań, pokój 200
Tel.: 61 6 582 414
Fax: 61 663 20 64
Tel. kom.: 663 786 190
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Dom Holenderski
Towarzystwo Przyjaźni Polsko-Niderlandzkiej
ul. Katowicka 9
03-932 Warszawa
tel. /fax: 22 616 20 91
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Fundacja Inicjatyw Międzynarodowych i Obywatelskich Centrum Europy
ul. Pankiewicza 3 (II piętro)
00-696 Warszawa
tel.: 22 629 45 88
fax: 22 629 77 83
tel. mobile.: 691 719 073
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Otwarty
Krakowskie Przedmieście 24
00-927 Warszawa
tel. 22 55 24 040
tel. 22 55 21 529
fax 22 55 21 529
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Ośrodek Kultury Niderlandzkiej
ul. Uniwersytecka 28A
50-138 Wrocław
Tel.: 071 372 41 29
e-mail: Contact by e-mail

Helen Koolschijn

EUNIC is the network of the international cultural relations institutes and embassies from the member states of the European Union. Since 2006 EUNIC’s members work in over 100 countries with over 2,000 branches. They work in the arts, languages, youth, education, science, intercultural dialogue and development sectors.

EUNIC’s members have an international reputation as Europe’s leading cultural relations practitioners. They seek to facilitate cultural co-operation; to create lasting partnerships between professionals in Europe and around the world, to encourage greater understanding and awareness of the diverse European cultures and to encourage greater language learning.Moreover, EUNIC members come together in varied groupings to develop common projects or develop new directions.

More information on EUNIC is available on: