Working for water

Finding solutions together

The Dutch Delta ecosystem involves complex balancing and management of water from the sea, rivers, groundwater, and rainfall. From the early middle ages onwards, the Dutch reclaimed and defended the land from the sea, developing skills, technology and a ‘water mind-set’ covering key aspects such as water management, spatial planning, water supply and water quality. The expertise that the Dutch developed to make their delta resilient is informing water management in countries across the globe.

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Knowledge transfer in Zimbabwe

The Netherlands Embassy together with Vitens Evides conduct water clinics for Zimbabwean university students, knowledge institutes, and water service authorities. Carefully chosen Vitens water experts from the Netherlands share their knowledge on water issues relevant to Zimbabwe such as non-revenue water management, catchment area management, geo-mapping, distribution management, water treatment and other topics.

The trainings are designed to support the sustainable and efficient management of different water supply components in Zimbabwe, and to generate opportunities for economic exchange on efficient and sustainable water management technologies and systems.