Action on Climate Change - Zimbabwe

Action on Climate Change

Finding solutions together
In Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi, the Netherlands Embassy is funding the efforts of local NGOs promoting climate-smart agriculture and improved natural resource management to build resilience within rural communities.

The Embassy is also working to reduce emissions from our day to day work. Two of three premises are already powered with solar energy with plans in place to achieve 100% renewable energy at all facilities. Gardens are organic and water-wise including rainwater storage. The Embassy team also participates in tree planting initiatives, clean-ups, and international days around the environment.


Through the Dutch Strengthening Civil Society Fund, The Netherlands Embassy is funding four Zimbabwean organisations working on sustainable agriculture, water management, knowledge-building, and lobby and advocacy around environmental rights and climate change. Women and youth are specifically targeted across these one year projects, with a combined value of USD700.000.

Read more about the initiatives in Zimbabwe


Zambia National Association of the Deaf (ZNAD): Combatting climate change and poverty with syntropic agroforestry

Zambezi, Northwest ProvinceAugust 2023 – November 2023

ZNAD is building a community centre and training 20 local deaf people in food forestry and entrepreneurship towards income generation and environmental protection. The centre is being built in a remote part of the Northwest Province where the deaf community faces extreme stigma and marginalisation. The completed structure and surrounding food forest will become the only dedicated safe space and community hub for the local deaf community, whilst also supporting sustainable agriculture among nearby farmers through trainings and the demonstration food forest.


EcoLODGy: Regenerative farm enterprise and permaculture homestead design in the context of sustainable reconstruction

September 2023 – November 2023

EcoLODGy is working with mostly female subsistence farmers from William Village who saw their homes and crops damaged by Cyclone Freddy in 2023. Using a learning-by-doing approach, 15 participants are trained in sustainable reconstruction using locally available and sustainably harvested materials, homestead design, regenerative agriculture, and green entrepreneurship toward financial gain from activities such as composting and heirloom seed production. The core participants will run the community centre, working to spread the new practices through their community.