Cross-cutting - South Sudan


Gender, youth and climate and conflict sensitivity are the cross-cutting themes for the Netherlands in South Sudan.

Conflict Sensitivity 

Conflict dynamics in time and location are constantly changing in South Sudan, often influenced by politics but also increasingly by international aid and being exacerbated by impacts of climate change. The sheer scale of international assistance in South Sudan means that its impact on conflict can be huge whether positive or negative. If international aid is negatively influencing conflict, then the impact will be disastrous. This is why we will apply a conflict sensitive approach to our aid delivery. Understanding the context in which we work and localising planning for- and implementation & evaluation of integrated aid delivery, will promote positive impacts and minimizing negative impacts. Conflict sensitivity is key for our engagement. We will implement this through the Conflict Sensitivity Research Facility.

Gender Sensitivity 

As implied in the feminist foreign policy approach of the Netherlands, we will advance gender transformative policy development and implementation in all development cooperation activities and diplomatic engagements in South Sudan.

Climate Sensitivity 

South Sudan faces severe impacts (floods and droughts) of Climate change. This has affected agricultural production, (international) water management, sustainable WASH service provision and is increasingly becoming a driver of localised conflict in the country and a potential driver for regional instability. A climate sensitive approach in planning and application of programs in our portfolio is therefore conditional.

Meaningful youth participation

The youth at heart strategy is an initiative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. To keep pace with this youthful world, the Netherlands is increasingly putting youth at the heart of its development policies. With the Youth at Heart strategy, we aim to work on improving prospects for young people through a distinctive approach that bridges the gap between generations.