Climate - South Africa


Finding solutions together

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our century. This is why the government of the Netherlands elevated climate change to one of its top priorities, nationally and internationally. With sea level rise, changing weather patterns, and severe droughts all countries are affected. And what affects us all, concerns us all. 

Students present their innovative ideas for urban living at the #CoCreateMyCity event in Durban, 2017.

The Paris Agreement requires all countries to put forward plans to bring down carbon emissions. As time is running out to keep temperatures from rising above 1,5 degrees, this decade is known as the transformational decade.

The Netherlands therefore focuses on supporting South Africa to implement and enhance their climate plans, such as the integrated resources plan for energy. In addition, we support civil society, the private sector, and youth organizations in their call for ambition and action, and to find local approaches for a just and green transition. 


The Netherlands believes in co-creation through collaboration with key partners to implement innovations for renewable energy, water, agriculture and logistics to combat the effects of climate change. To truly understand the unique South African context and achieve real results in the area of water, logistics, energy and agriculture, we actively engage with South African partners. Through Dutch - South African Partnerships we aim to co-create ideas and innovations for a sustainable future in South Africa and the Netherlands.

SAIIA Youth and the South African Youth Climate Action Plan

Youth organizations from around the world are speaking up for ambitious climate action. SAIIA Youth is part of a global youth movement that is sharing ideas on climate solutions in their countries. In 2021 SAIIA Youth spearheaded the development of the first South African Youth Climate Action Plan SA YCAP) to serve as a guide for youth, decision-makers, civil society, business, academia, and other stakeholders. Young people between the ages of 13-30, from all across South Africa and representing over 200 organisations, schools, university groups and communities contributed to the document which was officially launched on 1 October 2021. The Netherlands is proud to support SAIIA Youth’s work in this. The voices of youth in the debate about climate justice and climate actions is important as they are the future custodians of the environment.

The South African Youth Climate Action Plan - SAIIA