Critical Humanitarian Situation in Ethiopia - High-level Pledging Event

News item | 17-04-2024 | 12:10

Pledge on behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands by H.E. Mr. Paul Bekkers, Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN in Geneva

Your Excellencies,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is gravely concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation in Ethiopia, particularly in areas of food security, nutrition, and disease outbreaks.

This year, we will therefore contribute 23.5 million euros to the response through the Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund, Netherlands Red Cross and the Dutch Relief Alliance. This supplements our unearmarked contributions to the Central Emergency Response Fund, UN-Agencies and the Red Cross Movement.

Let me also emphasize the importance of long-term support, through development programs. The Netherlands’ ODA-portfolio in Ethiopia is significant: 185 million euro in 2024 alone, which includes investments in durable solutions for refugees and host communities.

With our partners, we are looking for ways to be flexible in order to also respond to the rising immediate needs. In that manner, the Netherlands is putting the Humanitarian-Development Nexus into practice, for example through increased funding to the national safety net programme.

While affirming our financial commitments, we strongly urge the Ethiopian government as primary duty bearer to:

  • Acknowledge the significance of the food security problem, and respond accordingly. This also includes allowing for independent assessments such as by the IPC.
  • Ensure the safety of civilians and humanitarian workers;
  • Facilitate that assistance ends up with those who are most vulnerable and in need;
  • And finally, to remove bureaucratic impediments to ensure effective access for humanitarian support.

Ladies and gentlemen,
As was stated by OCHA and the speakers before me; the needs are immense. That makes today’s event absolutely crucial. I therefore want to thank the government of Ethiopia and the UK, as well as OCHA for bringing us together.

I thank you.