General Comment L.9 Intersex Resolution

News item | 04-04-2024 | 14:46

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands delivered by H.E. Mr. Paul Bekkers, Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN in Geneva

Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands fully supports this resolution that addresses discrimination, violence and harmful practices that intersex persons face. 

This resolution builds on the work and statements of treaty bodies, special rapporteurs and regional human rights bodies on the issues intersex persons face. This includes forced and coercive medical interventions, denial of legal recognition and registration at birth, restrictions in access to remedies and justice, stigma and discrimination in access to education, health and employment. 

All because of how their innate body is. 

We thank the core group for their strategic and inclusive approach that resulted in this balanced resolution. Both a side event and a joint statement on this topic during earlier Council sessions were broadly and cross-regionally supported. We also commend the core group for the willingness to incorporate the large amount of input that was given during the various informal consultations. 

Mr. President, 

The Universal Declaration on Human Rights affirms that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind. This includes intersex persons.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore hopes that resolution L.9 can be adopted by consensus. In case of a vote, we will vote in favor of this resolution and call on all member of this Council to do the same. 

I thank you.