General Comment L.29 Hybrid Modalities

News item | 05-04-2024 | 15:11

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands delivered by H.E. Mr. Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN in Geneva

Mr. president,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands greatly values universal participation and diversity in the Human Rights Council. During our membership bid, we pledged to promote the effective participation of all in the Human Rights Council, including small island developing states, least developed countries as well as civil society. We intend to keep that promise.

The decision under consideration today is of critical importance in this regard. The availability of hybrid modalities clearly reduces barriers to participate in all HRC meetings, both formal and informal, especially for small delegations, LDC and SIDS, delegations without a physical presence in Geneva, and civil society. It is in this vein, that I would like to express my sincere gratitude for this important initiative to the countries in the core group, most of whom feel the effects of the current lack of hybrid modalities the most.

The decision itself is fully in line with the Institution Building-package and clearly states that hybrid modalities are complementary to in-person meetings. It is supported by a broad and cross-regional group of co-sponsors, which indicates that everyone benefits from a well-functioning Council and the Council, in its turn, benefits from inclusive participation.

It is therefore important that hybrid modalities are swiftly made available again for all HRC meetings. This draft decision sends a clear signal to the General Assembly of the importance that this Council attaches to the inclusivity of all meetings by having the option of remote participation.

We therefore fully support Resolution L.29 as presented and call on all members of this Council to do the same.  

Thank you.