Human Rights Council - 53rd Session : Interactive Dialogue – Oral Update of the Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran | 05-07-2023

Delivered by H.E. Paul Bekkers, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement and thanks the Fact-Finding Mission for its oral update.

We express our serious concerns about the continuing grave human rights violations committed in Iran. Especially those related to the protests that followed the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, and the increasing repression targeting women and minorities specifically. Two issues are of particular concern:

First, all girls have the right to go to school without fear. We condemn the reprehensible act of the poisoning of schoolgirls in several cities in Iran. Those responsible must be held accountable.

Second, we re-emphasize the EU call on Iran to immediately halt the practice of arbitrarily detaining journalists, members of civil society and human rights defenders and to release all individuals who are unjustly detained.

Independently established facts regarding the human rights situation in Iran are of critical importance. Therefore, we urge Iran to grant unhindered access and cooperate fully with the Special Rapporteur and the Fact-Finding Mission.

Finally, a question to the Fact Finding Mission. Could you elaborate on your preliminary findings related to the poisoning of schoolgirls and children’s rights during and after the protests?

Thank you.