Human Rights Council - 54th Session: Interactive Dialogue with High Commissioner on oral update Sudan - Speech | 12-09-2023

Interactive Dialogue with High Commissioner on oral update Sudan

Delivered by Ambassador Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Thank you Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands thanks the High Commissioner for his incredibly worrying update on the human rights situation in Sudan.

We are extremely concerned about the serious, continuous and large-scale human rights violations perpetrated by various parties, some of which amount to crimes against humanity. The systematic killings of non-Arab tribes, and widespread cases of gross sexual and gender related violence is heartbreaking and unacceptable. We call upon the international community to combine efforts to make sure perpetrators are being held accountable for their crimes.

The unlawful detention and torture of activists, civil society, journalists and medical personnel should end immediately and we call on the authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all those arbitrarily detained.

Mr. High Commissioner,

What can the international community do to make sure the perpetrators of these crimes are actually being held accountable?

Thank you.