Human Rights Council - 53rd Session - Interactive Dialogue on oral presentation of the High Commissioner on Ukraine and interim report SG on human rights in Crimea | 12-07-2023

Delivered by Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representation Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Thank you Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands remains deeply concerned by the continuous and large-scale human rights violations perpetrated by Russia in Ukraine. We appreciate the important work done by OHCHR to bring these issues to light.

We are particularly disturbed by findings in the SG’s report that Russian security forces carried out forcible transfers of civilians, from the Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions to Crimea.

These actions constitute grave violations of international humanitarian law.
We call on Russia to immediately halt the illegal transfer of persons, amongst whom children, and ensure that all are allowed to return home. We welcome the issuance of ICC arrest warrants as a first step on the path towards accountability for these crimes.

Furthermore, we are shocked by the findings of the HRMMU report, which documents the arbitrary detention of 763 men, 94 women and 7 boys and the summary execution of 72 men and 5 women by Russia.
Impunity is not an option.

Thus, we are proud hosts of the ICPA, as well as the Register of Damage. These are further steps towards accountability and towards a tribunal. Here I must emphasize the importance to maintain sustainable political and financial support for these accountability-tracks. Equally important is access to Ukraine to continue to shine a light on the situation.

Mr. High Commissioner,

What can be done by the international community to ensure your Office has unimpeded access to temporarily occupied Crimea?