HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 54th SESSION : General Debate Item 2 - Speech | 12-09-2023

General Debate Item 2

Delivered by Ambassador Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself to the EU statement and wishes to thank the High Commissioner for his update.  

As we have expressed before, we are deeply concerned about the human rights situation in China and urge China to end all human rights violations documented in the High Commissioner’s assessment report, communications of Special Procedures and reports of UN Treaty Bodies. The curtailment of civil and political rights in Hong Kong as well as the implementation of the National Security Law remain worrisome.

The recurring human rights violations in Ethiopia remains concerning, including in the Amhara region. The situation calls for urgent progress on accountability for the violations and abuses of human rights, as well as for serious efforts to counter the conflict’s root causes.

On Yemen, we continue to be concerned about the situation, in particular about human rights violations against women and persons belonging to vulnerable groups, including migrants. Continued independent and impartial monitoring and documentation remains of the essence. We call on all parties to fully integrate accountability and transitional justice in the peace process.

Thank you.