Human Rights Council 52nd Session: General debate on annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General | 07-03-2023

National statement delivered by H.E. Mr Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambassador for Humanitarian Affairs

Thank you

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

In light of your visit to the region, we commend the ambition of the Government of Colombia to achieve comprehensive peace and the effective protection of human rights, in particular in view of the persisting high levels of violence against human rights defenders.

We condemn the deprivation of civil- and political rights of the 316 Nicaraguan dissidents, which is a violation of international law. We call on the authorities to restore their fundamental rights, stop human rights violations, and re-engage with the international community.

The increasing attacks against human rights defenders, in particular environmental defenders in Honduras, are concerning. Furthermore, human rights of women and LGBTIQ+ people must be safeguarded through a robust and independent justice system.

We are concerned about the criminalization of judges, prosecutors, journalists and human rights defenders and the weakening of anti-corruption measures in Guatemala and. Authorities must ensure judicial independence and a fair, just and transparent electoral process.

Lastly, the people of South Sudan are done waiting for justice, accountability, truth and reconciliation. We plead with the Government to speed up implementation of Chapter 5 of the peace agreement and take action to ensure the enjoyment of human rights by all.

Thank you.