Human Rights Council - 53rd Session:  Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association | 28-06-2023

National statement delivered by Charlotte Marres, Human Rights Officer, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Thank you Mr. President,

We thank the Special Rapporteur for the presentation of his excellent report.  

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is deeply concerned about the increased repression that civil society, including human rights defenders, face. Women’s and LGBTIQ+’ rights activists, as well as defenders of other minority communities  remain disproportionally targeted. All the while, a diverse, pluralistic, and independent civil society, as well as the freedom to peacefully assemble and the freedom of association are essential for any democratic and inclusive society to thrive. That is why the Netherlands believes that we as an international community need to speak out and stand up when human rights violations are committed.  .

Therefore, we are particularly worried by the lack of accountability for serious human rights violations and abuses committed against activists and protestors, as documented by the Special Rapporteur.  The lack of accountability creates an environment of impunity that breads further violations and abuses and revictimizes human rights defenders. We call on all States to ensure accountability for violations, including those related to the exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, and to include civil society in these efforts.

Special Rapporteur, how can the international community better support civil society working on accountability?