Human Rights Council - 53rd Session:  Interactive Dialogue - Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression | 23-06-2023

Statement delivered by H.E. Mr Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Mister President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

As the title of your report highlights, Madame Special Rapporteur, the link between sustainable development and freedom of expression is not only about access information. Equally fundamentally, it is about voice – the right to articulate views, debate, challenge, protest and demand, both offline and online.

When people, especially women and persons belonging to marginalised groups, are able to use their voice, they can empower themselves and become active participants in and powerful drivers of sustainable development. It is only when we hear these voices that we can ensure that no one is left behind.

In this regard, Madame Special Rapporteur, how can States and other stakeholders more effectively remove barriers that continue to silence women and those belonging to marginalised groups?

In closing, as the current co-chair of the Media Freedom Coalition and a member of the Core Group on this mandate we reiterate our staunch support for your work and are pleased to this year be celebrating the three decades that you and your predecessors have been speaking out and standing up in defence of the right to freedom of expression of everyone, everywhere.