Human Rights Council - 53rd Session:  Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on SOGI | 21-06-2023

Statement delivered by H.E. Mr Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Thank you Mr. President,

Mr. Madrigal-Borloz, 

We reiterate our full support to your mandate and align ourselves with the EU statement. We warmly welcome the excellent report on how freedom of religion and belief and the protection from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity intersect.

Unfortunately, these intersect in increasingly destructive ways. We are witnessing a coordinated global campaign, often funded and supported by religious groups, against LGBTI persons, under the guise of family values and religious invocations.

This goes against everything that religions stand for: shared humanity, compassion, human dignity, and inspiration for positive social change.

The Netherlands is a staunch supporter of the universality of human rights. We are deeply concerned about the harmful misuse of the essential right to freedom of religion and belief against LGBTI persons. We stand by the LGBTI community and will keep fighting for their equality, dignity and humanity here and elsewhere.

Mr. Madrigal-Borloz, 

You have served this mandate with great dedication, energy and perseverance. We are most grateful for your service and would like to ask:

What advice would you give to your successor on how to successfully fulfill the SOGI-mandate?

Thank you.