Human Rights Council 49th Session: Statement of the Kingdom of the NetherlandsID with the Independent Fact Finding Mission in Libya | 30-03-2022

Delivered by H.E. Nathalie Olijslager, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU intervention.

We praise the members of the Fact Finding Mission for their update and commends them for their invaluable work. We equally commend Libya’s commitment and assistance to the work of the Mission so far, and reiterate the importance to continue this assistance.

The work of the FFM is crucial, especially to show the many victims and their families that their call for justice is not forgotten. Its work contributes to respect for human rights, rule of law and sustainable peace and security and allows Libya to deal with the past and draw lessons for the future. As co-chair of the working group on international humanitarian law and human rights of the Berlin peace process, we stand ready to continue to support the FFM in their work and support Libya in implementing the recommendations.

Despite challenges faced by the FMM it has been able to gather a significant amount of information. However, its work is not completed. An extension of its mandate at the Human Rights Council in June is essential to fulfill its goals and to further increase its effectiveness and sustainability. Especially in light of the worrying developments on the ground. We strongly urge for the renewal of the mandate as well as the provision of adequate resources and hope others will do so as well. 


The findings in the FFM report provide important steps to be taken. How can the international community best support these steps towards accountability and national reconciliation?

Thank you.