Human Rights Council 49th Session: Interactive dialogue on the human rights situation in Myanmar | 21-03-2022

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

The Netherlands thanks the High Commissioner for her report on the situation of human rights in Myanmar since 1 February 2021. The Netherlands is alarmed by this report, which stresses that “Myanmar is caught in a downward spiral of violence, characterized by increasingly brutal repression against those opposed to military rule or perceived as such”, and speaks of a human rights catastrophe. We call for de-escalation of the conflict.

The Netherlands applauds the Office of the High Commissioner for its ongoing efforts to gather credible information despite having no access to Myanmar. These efforts are crucial to document the grave human rights violations, and hold perpetrators accountable. It is of utmost importance that UN-mandated investigators such as IIMM have full and unhindered access to Myanmar. We call for cooperation with all UN mandate holders.

The people of Myanmar face violence on a massive scale, and needs are high. The Netherlands emphasizes the importance of full, unhindered and consistent access for humanitarian organizations to Myanmar. This is unequivocally in everyone’s best interest. These organizations must be able to reach all people in need in all parts of the country, including for example people in places of detention, in accordance with the humanitarian imperative.

Madam High Commissioner, you mention that actions taken by the international community have remained limited in impact on the ground. How can the international community, in this context, contribute to transitional justice, to help create the environment for meaningful dialogue for a future Myanmar?

Thank you.