Human Rights Council 50th Session: Item 3  - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur Violence against Women | 20-06-2022

Statement on Violence against indigenous women and girls. Delivered by Pascalle Grotenhuis, Ambassador for Women’s rights and Gender Equality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement and thanks the Special Rapporteur for her comprehensive report on Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls.

The reports shows that Indigenous women and girls are additionally faced with complex and intersectional forms of violence, and face higher rates of sexual and gender based violence, intimate partner violence and domestic violence. Their expertise as well as political participation is much needed to help overcome this. The Kingdom of the Netherlands firmly stands for the rights of women and girls and in particular those of the most marginalizes. Therefore, we note with serious concern that indigenous women and girls who are human rights and environmental defenders and those belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community are at even higher risk of violence.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands remains committed to the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls in all their diversity. In this regard, we stress the importance of a survivor-centered approach in preventing and responding to violence. We also recognize the profound effect of violence against young women and girls. Therefore, we fully supports the renewal of your mandate and would warmly welcome expanding it to include Girls.

Special Rapporteur, Ms. Alsalem,

Can you elaborate on the barriers that particularly young indigenous women and girls face when trying to access justice. And how can States or other stakeholders best collect disaggregated data to guide the process of evidence-informed, survivor-centered and human rights-based policymaking in combatting violence, especially against girls?

Thank you