Human Rights Council 49th Session: Interactive dialogue on oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Venezuela | 17-03-2022

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

We appreciate and support the work of the High Commissioner in Venezuela. We urge the Venezuelan authorities to implement the High Commissioner’s recommendations and we once again repeat our call to facilitate the permanent and undisturbed presence of OHCHR in the country.

Madam High Commissioner, in your reports you provide important insights about an alarming human rights situation in Venezuela. To ensure accountability for  human rights violations, you call for the strengthening of the judicial system. We support your recommendations on the importance of an independent and strong judicial branch, which is crucial to guarantee basic human and political rights for all citizens of Venezuela.

You have pointed towards increasing restrictions on Civic Space in Venezuela. NGO’s, human rights defenders and journalists are subjected to intimidation, harassment and criminal investigations. We call on the authorities to respect and protect civic freedoms and provide civil society with a safe and enabling environment to carry out their work effectively.

Madam High Commissioner,

You have pointed towards serious human rights breaches in the Arco Minero del Orinoco and called on the authorities to urgently act against labour and sexual exploitation, child labour and human trafficking. What is your assessment on progress in these areas?

Thank you.