Human Rights Council 49th Session: General debate on the promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development | 16-03-2022

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Delivered by Ms. Lila Del Colle, Counsellor

Madam Vice-President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

The Netherlands thanks the High Commissioner for the report on access to information, which is an essential component of the right to freedom of expression. It is an indispensable pillar that enables the free flow of information and advances the promotion and protection of all human rights. Free and independent media, as well as an accessible, free, open and secure internet, are essential in contributing to flourishing information ecosystems. Ultimately, the free flow of information in society helps to build stable and resilient democracies and to tackle corruption, disinformation and mistrust. The roles of journalists, media outlets and human rights defenders are crucial to access to information. We need journalists to report the facts, keep us informed and to hold those in power to account.

Moreover, access to reliable and independent information is paramount during crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic or conflict and wars. Access to accurate and timely information helps people make well-informed decisions about their safety and well-being, for themselves and their families, with governments having a corresponding obligation to disseminate widely public interest information and to address disinformation.

Internet access is essential, not only in times of crisis. The Netherlands is concerned about an increase in internet shutdowns in order to quell protests and criticism against the government. Moreover, we are concerned about the widening digital divide, with specific attention for gender inequality. Low levels of digital literacy are sometimes further denying people’s access to information. Governments should prevent and end any internet shutdown, ensure the broadest possible access to internet services, and take steps to bridge digital divides, including the gender gap.

We also want to thank OHCHR for the update on the gaps and challenges in addressing child, early and forced marriage, and measures to ensure accountability for women and girls at risk of and those subjected to this harmful practice. Especially considering the increase in child, early and forced marriages as a result of COVID-19, this update should help us to get back on track.

Thank you.