
Finding solutions together

The Netherlands is your partner in agriculture and food. The agriculture sector comprises all economic activity relating to food, from production to marketing and distribution.

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Exporting nation

Agricultural products in the world, after the United States. It is known for its flowers, cheese, infant formula, vegetables and beer and many other products.
The Dutch horticulture sector has an extensive and very efficient logistics network. Vegetables harvested in the Netherlands can be sold in New York the very same day.


The Dutch food sector has developed smart storage and packaging technologies that keep food safe and fresh.
The Netherlands belongs to the European countries with the lowest use of antibiotics in animal husbandry in order to combat antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals.
The Netherlands shares its expertise in food production with other countries. It is committed to a free market with safe, sustainably produced food.


Research and innovation are vital to Dutch agriculture and horticulture. Dutch agri-food companies and knowledge institutions do innovative work in many areas, including sustainability and nutrition.
Wageningen University and Research is a top one agricultural university in many international rankings.

Agri-food: the Netherlands and your country or region

The Netherlands is a major agricultural powerhouse. Although small in size, the Netherlands it is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world after the US. Flowers, fruits and vegetables, cheese and other dairy products, meat and meat products, beer, chocolate, starch derivatives, and seeds; the Netherlands produces them all in large amounts for markets around the world. Dairy specifically covers 40% of the Dutch agro-export to China.

Both the Netherlands and China find themselves in an important phase of development, in which there is more and more concern for animal welfare, food safety and food security. Since the Chinese government puts the development of food supply and agriculture as high priority, the Netherlands and China have many opportunities to work together on the agricultural products distribution, knowledge and technology in this field.

The government of the Netherlands believes that healthy, safe food begins with sustainable agriculture and a concern for animal welfare. In this regard the Dutch and Chinese consumers share a concern for food safety and food quality . Consumers need to have confidence that what they eat will not be harmful to their health. Moreover, they want to be sure that what they eat is fresh and nutritious.

Changes in society have a large impact on the agricultural sector. The growing population and the rise in prosperity are changing consumer patterns, making raw materials scarcer and putting more pressure on the environment. This requires new ideas about the role agriculture plays in society. Agricultural production for sustainable and nutritious food for all consumers asks for changes. The government of the Netherlands attaches great value to sustainable production, careful use of insecticides and pesticides, and high standards for animal welfare.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands has five representative agriculture offices in China: At the embassy in Beijing and at the consulates-general in Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong.

The activities of the offices are among others:

  • provide information on agricultural policies, programs and activities of the Netherlands Ministry of  Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
  • assist the local agri-business sector and other organizations in providing adequate, current and accurate information on Dutch agricultural practices, processes, trade contacts, legislation and products or research information
  • assist Dutch suppliers or organizations in developing new contacts or organizational networks by providing relevant business information
  • promote the marketing of Dutch agricultural technology and products by organizing trade fairs, seminars and missions
  • liaise with Chinese ministries as well as other institutions, particularly on agricultural matters affecting trade and investments, prevention and eradication of animal diseases, rural development and biodiversity