Agricultural Network Team

The Netherlands Agricultural Network (LVVN) team  in Ukraine represents the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature (LVVN)  and maintains contacts with the local governments, the Dutch and Ukrainian business community, knowledge institutes and civil-society organisations. 

  • Ms. Carolien Spaans, Agricultural Counsellor 
  • Mr. Dmytro Kyryluik, Agricultural Advisor
  • Ms. Kateryna Tushynska, Agricultural Officer

Follow the link to contact our staff members.

Our website

Agroberichten Buitenland is an online platform of the Dutch agricultural network worldwide. Please visit the site for Ukraine to learn more about cooperation between the Netherlands and Ukraine. See .


Our Mission

To stimulate Dutch-Ukrainian Public-Private partnership, building on the position of the Netherlands as the world leader in agribusiness and aiming at global sustainable food supply and efficient world food markets.  More

Working Fields

  • Policy dialogue between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Seсurity and Nature  (LVVN) and the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food in Ukraine in the framework of bilateral cooperation.
  • Veterinarian and Phytosanitarian Market Access
  • Public-Private partnerships in priority sectors
  • Business-to-Business support

Priority Sectors for Dutch-Ukrainian Cooperation

  • AgriFood (dairy, potato, food processing ect)
  • Horticulture and planting materials (fruit and vegetable production / processing, open field and greenhouse production)
  • Food security
  • Agro education
  • Sustainably improving the production (economically, socialy and ecologicaly)
  • More