Multi Annual Country Strategy 2023 - 2026 - Uganda

Multi Annual Country Strategy 2023-2026

This Multi-Annual Country Strategy (MACS) outlines the areas of international cooperation in which The Netherlands wishes to collaborate with Uganda for the period 2023-2026. This document is a condensed version containing the policy priority areas, strategic results and strategic interventions. Where applicable, multilateral and international civil society programmes are included. The resources supporting this strategy are assigned through the annual budget and annual planning cycles. The implementation of this strategy is monitored on a regular basis and adjustments are formalised through subsequent annual plans.

In the 2022 policy note for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation ‘Do what we do best’ Uganda has been designated as a country with which the Netherlands maintains a broad development cooperation relationship, focussed on multiple development cooperation themes. Uganda is part of the Great Lakes region and the Horn of Africa, which is one of the three focus regions of the Netherlands for development cooperation.

Building on the gained experiences the Netherlands will focus on fitting Uganda’s National Development Plan III (NDP III) and Vision 2040 in the fields of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS), Rule of Law (RoL), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Private Sector Development (PSD), and migration. The Netherlands will continue to support the growing interest in doing business with Uganda, as part of the transition towards a broader relationship whereby development cooperation and government to government cooperation is one pillar, next to business to business and people to people relations.

The overall vision of the Netherlands in Uganda is contributing to an inclusive, sustainable prosperous, democratic society, with a resilient population, in line with Uganda’s vision 2040, in a stable region.

Download and read: MACS Uganda 2023 -2026 

Download and read: MACS for the Grate Lakes 2023 -2026