Current Projects - Jordan-en

Current Projects

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands supports the continuous improvement of the human rights situation in Jordan. Although respect for human rights ranks high on the national agenda, Jordan still has to work hard to implement the desired changes. The positive stance of the Jordanian government on this issue has led to a more open society, allowing debate on several themes and in some cases improving laws. The Embassy benefits from this positive mind-set to support various awareness-raising and capacity building activities.
Believing in the role civil society organizations can play in promoting a pluralistic, free and just society, governed by the rule of law, the Embassy is currently supporting the following projects.


The aim of Shiraka in Jordan is to support (a) the construction of the constitutional state and the protection of human rights and minorities and b) economic growth, partly by developing the economic infrastructure, which includes stimulating employment. The broader programme consists of training courses for government employees (STP) and government-to-government cooperation (G2G).

Image: ©Nadia Bseiso


Enhancing law enforcement response to COVID-19 in Jordan: Support to the Public Security Directorate (PSD) to respond to COVID-19

Implemented by: Penal Reform International 
Duration: 6 months (emergency response)

The project aims to protect the rights of individuals who come in contact with law enforcement, mainly their right of access to justice and their right to health. This is done by enabling the PSD to secure safe and clean police stations and other facilities wich leaders to less potential for infection with COVID-19. A broader outcome of the project is a better functioning rule of law system and enhancement of the trust of individuals and citizens in state institutions, in particular law enforcement. The project adopts a holistic approach that aims to promote human rights standards, and use global practices tested and used in other countries to enhance law enforcement's response to COVID-19. The project will tackle the special needs of the different segments who come in contact with the law specially women and children. 

Partnering for Torture Prevention: Support to torture prevention efforts in Jordan with special focus on torture victims and their families

Implemented by: Adaleh Centre for Human Rights Studies
Duration: 2020 - 2022 

The project will provide support to torture prevention efforts in Jordan with a special focus on torture victims and their families. It will increase the knowledge and skills of judges, lawyers, and state officials about the UNCAT, ICCPR, and Jordan’s commitment as a member state in those conventions. The project will also work with national institutions and civil society organisations to hold the authorities accountable for torture cases, build coalitions, and to lobby for the amendments of relevant legislation. In addition, the project will work with the media and health workers to report and raise awareness about torture as a crime, and to ensure proper examination, identification and reporting of torture victims, respectively. 

Curated Experience: Developing innovative and diversified touristic products across Jordan. Support to the tourism sector in Jordan by focusing on local economic development and local communities

Implemented by: Leaders International for Economic Development
Duration: 2020 - 2023 

This project enhances the resilience of the Jordanian tourism sector by enabling the sector as a whole to innovate and develop new products to attract both domestic and international tourists. The project takes a grass root approach by working with local businesses and national travel associations to leverage the cultural, historical and natural diversity of Jordan. The project takes a holistic approach to ‘experience’ development by working with local businesses on their branding, marketing, product development, business support, and engagement with local authorities; and improves the integration between service providers.


Rethinking Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Local Communities through Integrating them in Tourism Value Chains

Implemented by: Partners for Good
Duration: 2019 - 2022

This project aims to promote women and youth-led enterprising activities, job creation and local empowerment in utilised (Dead Sea) and under-utilised (Ma’an) touristic destinations. The project has three main aims: 1) Establish sustainable integration of local communities within touristic value chains, exploiting present touristic traffic; 2) Help local stakeholders to co-create and form linkages and partnerships to spur job creation, income generation activities and 3) Develop rigorous programs to enhance local capacities for women, youth and farmers towards skills-based enterprise and job opportunities.

Souq Fann: Improving Economic Opportunities for Youth and Women Artisans in Jordan

Implemented by: Leaders of Tomorrow
Duration: 2019 - mid 2022

The project aims at improving the business and creative skills of female and youthful artisans in underserved areas of rural and urban Jordan. 24 artisans will be selected to receive training in product development, financial management and marketing and will be assigned a business mentor. After completion, the artisan products will be marketed through offline and (predominantly) online channels. Key marketing channels include the following: an exhibition, a shop in Amman and an online store. Marketing will be largely centered around the creative process and individual circumstances of the artisans.


Creating New Economic Opportunities for Communities Along the Southern Jordan Trail

Implemented by: Leaders International for Economic Development
Duration: 2018 -2020

Leaders International’s program aims to work with the Jordan Trail to bridge economic benefits to local communities whilst increasing authentic experiences and fulfilling market needs. The project will utilize a multi-faceted approach whereby MSME’s will receive skills trainings in order to upgrade existing businesses to meet visitors’ needs. Moreover, Leaders International aims to facilitate the linkages between MSME’s and larger SME’s that are more established and possess market knowledge and networks – thus providing an avenue to market their products/services beyond the tourism sector with Karak, Dana, and Petra as the hub markets.

Phi’s Applied & Innovative Research Project (PAIR Project)

Implemented by: Phi Science Institute
Duration: 2018 - 2020

Phi Science Institute’s project aims to produce a program that empowers Jordan’s youth through applied scientific research and innovation. Phi Applied and Innovative Research (PAIR) project fixates on research and innovation, in which young researchers and innovators gather and form multi-disciplinary research groups to learn, experiment, and apply their knowledge in research and innovation to turn their ideas into tangible products and prototypes. The project integrates applied scientific research with innovation and entrepreneurship. It aims to build a scientific community from young researchers and entrepreneurs from all over Jordan who can use science as a tool to build scientifically-based businesses.

Alyusr Project for Sustainable Rural Women and Youth Empowerment

Implemented by: Durrat Almanal for Development and Training (DMDT)
Duration: 2018 - 2020

The project aims to create income-generating activities with a particular focus on women. It consists of the second phase of the Al Yusur Moringa project, which works on developing a story of the women in the Southern Ghor through the integration of the Moringa tree in their lives as a source of income and healthy diet. Durrat Almanal for Development and Training will focus on empowering women through a variety of tools that take advantage of the location of the Southern Ghor as the lowest part on earth and in the green house of Jordan.  The tools include training in economic empowerment, rural and agri-toursim, food preparation and service and marketing.


Implemented by: INJAZ for creation of opportunities for Jordanian youth
Duration: 2018 - 2020

mySTARTUP aims to create income-generating activities with a particular focus on youth at universities. The project is designed to invest in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Jordan, INJAZ aims to build the entrepreneurship capacities of youth in Jordan at the idea-generation level. Moreover it aims to raise the youth’s awareness and knowledge with regards to every aspect of the start-ups with tailored training courses that are conducted based on an extensive needs-assessment, and through organizing, capacity-building trainings, pitching trainings, events and simulations.


Heritage Value as a Driver for Economic Growth through Participatory Community-based Tourism

Implemented by: Tarmeem Center for Preservation and Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Duration: 2017 - 2019

The program is a sustainable tourism project that aims to invest in cultural and natural landscape mixed with the community’s tangible and intangible heritage. The project’s main components include the restoration and rehabilitation of the Al Matan Heritage Village, develop eco-lodges and create tourism routes. The transformation of Al Matan in a create tourism destination will be realized by means of an interactive cultural exchange model. This mode specifically addresses the role of heritage as a driver of sustainable economic growth and the importance of an active community in tourism development and management.

Human rights fund

Image: ©Sowt


ARIJ Investigative Incubator: Support to investigative journalists in Jordan.

Implemented by: Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism
Duration: 2020 - 2023 

ARIJ Investigative Incubator is an independent place for innovation and production. Instead of complaining that “the media landscape in Jordan is not promising”, ARIJ acts with courage and creates what is necessary for young Jordanian media students and fresh graduates, selected lecturers and journalists to carry out impactful and reform provoking stories. The project will reach out to all universities in Jordan to recruit the first 100 participants that will be the core of the ARIJ Investigative Incubator. The project will target the following governorates: Ajloun, Amman, Aqaba, Balqa, Irbid, Jerash, Kerak, Ma’an, Madaba, Mafraq, Tafilah and Zarqa. Twenty of those 100 participants plus 10 investigative journalists will be further trained, mentored, and coached to produce local and crossborder investigations that will be published in local, regional and international platforms. They will also participate in ARIJ’s annual forum and compete in ARIJ’s annual awards.

Out of the Margins: Strengthening Independent Multimedia Journalism from Across Jordan

Implemented by: Hiber for Technology and Training (7iber)
Duration: 2020 - 2023 

The project reflect on 7iber’s rich experience implementing the Dutch funded “3uyoun” project, the project will produce high impact in-depth reports that engage with issues impacting Jordanians across the country in the form of multimedia storytelling, data-driven reporting, and analytical writing. 7iber will train group of fellows in core journalism skills over the course of one year, providing them with mentorship and coaching throughout this period as they work towards publishing in depth reports. Within this project, 7iber will ensure to highlight and tell stories of women, and offer an honest and diverse representation of Jordanians. The produced reports will endeavour to inform and influence people in deep and meaningful ways and draw their attention to issues of human rights, accountability, social justice, and inequality. Additionally, 7iber will expand its storytelling and its reach through video features that accompany and enrich its written reporting.


You have a right, a choice…Claim it: supporting women’s voices in marriage, scaling up GBV responses and advocating rights of women with disabilities (WwD)

Implemented by: A consortium led by The King Hussein Foundation (KHF) and consists of Information and Research Centre (IRCKHF), Family Health Institute (FHI) and I am a Human Society for Rights of People with Disability
Duration: 2019 -2022

The project aims to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through 1) Knowledge Management 2) Advocacy and Awareness and 3) Capacity Development. The goal is to improve Community Based Organisations’ (CBOs) institutional capacity to handle victims of GBV, and increase public understanding of existing gender-protection systems, laws, available resources and institutions. The project will also provide tailored technical expertise and institutional capacity to existing organizations with skill-gaps. Furthermore, the project will be involved in raising awareness, providing legal and psychosocial support towards women with disabilities within the abovementioned areas.

Digital Rights: Improving Human Rights Online in Jordan

Implemented by: Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA)
Duration: 2019 - 2022

JOSA aims to address the lack of awareness and expertise on digital rights in Jordan. The project will be based on the 'to think globally and act locally' approach and is designed into five components: Awareness, Help, Capacity, Monitoring, and Network and Localization activities. The activities are influenced by best practices shared by partners worldwide, but tailored to the Jordanian local context.

Exploring Equality and Human Rights in Jordan with Podcasts

Implemented by: Sowt Podcasting and Training (SOWT)
Duration: 2019 -2022

In an attempt to create a healthier media ecosystem in Jordan, Sowt will create three podcasts, hold two trainings, and 18 community listening sessions. The first podcast (Harrer) discusses (the processes of) journalism with journalists and aims to fosters trust and understanding of journalists. The second podcast (Eib) addresses issues of gender equality. The third podcast (Mal 3mal) brings forth the reality of labor issues in Jordan, a topic rarely covered in local media. Moreover, the project aims to build a community and provide safe spaces for further discussion by hosting gatherings and listening events. The training component of the project aims to train a total of 20 journalists in audio journalism. The project expects 1,000 downloads per episode, or over 70,000 listens.

Think Tank: Integral Development Center for Policy Research and Innova-tion Advancement

Implemented by: JoWomenomics
Duration: 2019 - 2022

JoWomenomics aims to form a new independent nonpartisan think tank to establish a local resource committed to holistic, evidence-based approaches to tackling gender inequality in the labour force in Jordan. In this capacity, the Think Tank will train young researchers and lawyers to conduct high-quality research on the different articles in the labour law and other laws that impact women and communities. The Think Tank will also seek to improve the dissemination of such research to all stakeholders (including at the community level) to inform new perspectives on gender equality and inclusions, the present perspectives prevents changes in policy from both occurring and from being accepted by the broader community.


Promoting accountability and local governance in Jordan through independent media.

Implemented by: Hiber for Technology and Training (7iber)
Duration: 2018 - 2020

7iber’s  project aims to increase public awareness on issues of governance, accountability, and economic policy in Jordan. The project will train and mentor aspiring journalists from across the country, building their capacity to produce engaging and data-driven reports. It will also provide a national platform for these reports to reach the socially- and politically-engaged audiences of 7iber and ARIJ. The project attempts to increase the capacity of accessible journalism on governance and accountability in Jordan at the community level within governorates outside of Amman.

Improving Jordan’s Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Industry

Implemented by: Partners for Good
Duration: 2018 - 2020

This initiative intends to create transparency between MFIs and the clients by enhancing the communication strategies of MFIs, to improve and sustain the success of the microfinance industry to benefit local communities whilst protecting the socio-economic rights of the most vulnerable of its beneficiaries. The project works with several key stakeholders, such as the Central Bank and the MFIs network (Tanmeyah). Overall, Partners for Good aims to create a better understanding of the responsibilities carried by the MFI and client respectively. Additionally the project is drafted to outline consumer rights that safeguard vulnerable populations, especially women who make up 74% of Jordan’s clients.  

Increased Access to Information on Human Rights through Media in Jordan.

Implemented by: Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)
Duration: 2018 - 2020

Through the implementation of this project, Journalists for Human Rights will promote press freedom, access to information and encourage the public dialogue through a rights-based approach to media development in Jordan, with a focus on female journalists and governorates outside of Amman. The ultimate objective of the project is to enhance informed public dialogue on human rights issues in Jordan through improved understanding of and access to information. The project will work to equip media communities in Jordan with skills and tools needed to facilitate and inform such dialogue effectively and safely at local and national levels.

Socio Economic Development for Marginalized Workers in Jordan

Implemented by: Tamkeen Fields for Aid (Tamkeen)
Duration: 2018 - 2020

Tamkeen’s project engages in informal, agriculture and construction sectors to explore the violations workers experience. The project aims to raise awareness regarding labour laws and generally about the status of the vulnerable workers in the aforementioned sectors. This support will then be mobilized in media and advocacy campaigns to enforce implementation of decent work recommendations. Moreover, the project aims to offer legal aid services to vulnerable workers and capacity-building trainings to high-level stakeholders in government positions.

“Second Chance”: Enhancing Legal Protection for Juveniles and Vulnerable You

Implemented by: Justice Center for Legal Aid (JCLA)
Duration: 2018 - 2020

JCLA’s project addresses the lack of legal protection for juveniles and vulnerable children and attempts to enhance legal protection systems in Jordan by shifting the narrative from punitive to reformative justice through 3 main keys a) well trained access to justice service providers b) protection through the system and c) awareness raising.

The project engages relevant stakeholders, most notably with the Public Security Directorate (PSD) and the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) to enhance and advocate for the use of alternative sanctions.


From Principle to Practice: Understanding stereotypes that discriminate against women and pave the way for policy reform.

Implemented by: UN Women
Duration: 2017 - 2019 (extended)

The project will support the Government of Jordan and other national actors in the implementation of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) and will focus specifically on the CEDAW Committee’s observations with regards to the elimination of stereotypes that discriminate against women. The Government of Jordan (GoJ) has ratified the CEDAW with three reservations in 1992, resulting in continuous recommendations by the CEDAW committee that the GoJ has to take urgent matters to overcome gender stereotyped social attitudes. Gender stereotyping continues to be buttressed by discriminatory legislation that undermines the ability of women to obtain their human rights. UN Women will examine the impact of gendered stereotypes in the Jordanian context and will subsequently establish a network of national and international governmental and national institutions that will promote the limitation of the existence of gender stereotypes. Hereafter a gamification platform will be piloted to change attitudes concerning gender roles.

Gender Fund

Image: ©Embassy of the Netherlands in Jordan



Womenomics as a Community Priority (WCP)

Implemented by: JoWomenomics
Duration: 2018 - 2020

JoWomenomics’ project will foster mind-set change in favor of women’s employment and link women to job opportunities through establishing corner-stone partnerships with the local community, the private sector and the Ministry of Labor (MoL). It aims to do so by training women on vocational jobs in garment factories, medical technology manufacturing industry and assembly lines of electronic materials and training them as Heating Ventilation and AC technicians. JoWomenomics’ project adheres to 3 main objectives:

  1. Raising the legitimacy of women’s employment in vocational jobs by working with local communities;
  2. Raising the desirability of women’s employment in vocational jobs by working with the local women;
  3. Linking graduates to job-offers in factories in Nothern Shouneh, Southern Shouneh, Madaba and Zarqa through private partnerships and a partnership with the Ministry of Labour/satellite factory division.

Advancing Gender Equality through Economic and Social Empowerment, and Protection Services targeting Women and Girls.

Implemented by: Jordan River Foundation (JRF)
Duration: 2018 - 2020

JRF’s project aims to address the interlinked nature of livelihood and protection threats by empowering women economically to become part of the workforce, and by addressing cases of SGBV and domestic violence. The project is designed to reach 500 vulnerable families over two years (the total estimated number of beneficiaries from all households engaged with this program activities is estimated to be 2400; 65% females 35% males); raising their knowledge, empowering them emotionally and financially, ultimately lifting the women out of the vicious cycle of vulnerability, while preserving their family ties and benefiting their children and families along the way.

Its two tracks; the Livelihood Track, and the Family Protection Track are designed to optimize its result. A Family Advisor at each of the project locations will manage the overall wellness of each household by developing a plan for each family, and guiding one family member to complete a livelihood track, while the children and caregivers complete family protection track activities.