Netherlands host country at the Torino Book Fair 2025

News item | 15-05-2024 | 13:39

The announce was made at the end of the 2024 Turin book fair, where Letterenfonds director Romkje de Bildt signed the agreement, in the presence of Dutch ambassador Willem van Ee. "Knowing the literature of a country means being able to get an idea of its collective conscience", said Dutch Ambassador Willem van Ee.

The host event is organised by the Dutch Foundation for Literature in cooperation with the Dutch embassy in Italy. During the fair, international and especially Italian readers, writers and publishers will be introduced to Dutch literature. The ambition is to further strengthen cultural ties with Italy and introduce new Dutch voices to the language area, inside and outside books. Italy is an important market for the Dutch publishing industry.

With the host country in 2025, the Dutch Foundation for Literature continues the focus on Italy, which got its start in 2023 with the FuturoPresente programme. This campaign, organised in close cooperation with the Dutch embassy, the Performing Arts Fund, the Film Fund and local cultural organisations, put Dutch children's and youth culture in the spotlight in Italy.