A Commemoration of the Battle of the Java Sea - Indonesia

A Commemoration of the Battle of the Java Sea

News item | 20-02-2024 | 08:55

A Commemoration of the Battle of the Java Sea will take place at the Netherlands War Cemetery “Ereveld Kembang Kuning” in Surabaya on Tuesday, 27 February, 2024.


To all concerned with humanity


A Commemoration of the Battle of the Java Sea will take place at the Netherlands War Cemetery “Ereveld Kembang Kuning” in Surabaya on Tuesday, 27 February, 2024, from 09:30 to 10:30 AM (gathering at the Pendopo at 09:00 AM).

The commemoration will start at the Pendopo with a short introduction. Thereafter, we will move to the Karel Doorman Monument for a wreath-laying ceremony on behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Ministry of Defense, the Karel Doorman Fund, Prince Karel Henry Tellings, the Internationale Indische Club Surabaya, the Indo Club Soerabaya, and the Netherlands War Graves Foundation.

I am honored to announce that the Consul Generals of Australia and the United States and the Honorary Consul of the United Kingdom will also attend the commemoration and lay wreaths on behalf of their countries.

On this occasion, we are very honored to welcome a special group of family members of war victims, traveling from the Netherlands together as part of a pilgrimage, who will also lay wreaths at the monument.

After formal proceedings, there is an opportunity to gather at the Pendopo for refreshments.

Your presence will be highly appreciated. We warmly encourage you to bring along your younger family members.

Colonel Norbert Moerkens, MA
Netherlands Defense Attaché for Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand

Ereveld Kembang Kuning, Surabaya, West Java