
Cultural enrichment for everyone

For social innovation and a better living environment, culture is of great value. That's why the Netherlands promotes exchange, co-creation between Egyptian and Dutch cultural actors.

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Empowering young artists through arts

Contemporary dance, mime, painting and theatre workshops. That's where Dutch and Egyptian youth come together. The arts programme uses art as a psychosocial tool to help Children and Youth in Street situations reintegrate into society. The theatre workshops took place with 300 children, organised over two festivals.

Preserving local heritage

Over 50 conservators, curators and inspectors from 10 Egyptian governorates are enhanced through onsite training and museology, followed by onsite application of acquired learning. This allows for better knowledge retention and transfer among peers. We do this together with the Ministry of Antiquities, NVIC and the Reinwardt Academie.

Stick art in Minia and Qena

Egytian and Dutch choreographers have partnered up to train 60 youngsters from Mallawy and Qena in dance techniques and different art genres. Girls are taught a folkloric dance, combined with Tahteeb, the ancient Egyptian martial art - which is recognized as UNSECO world heritage. The young artists from The Medhat Fawzy Centre for the Stick Arts will perform locally, as well as internationally.

Culture beyond Cairo

Jesuits Cultural Centre in Alexandria, Egypt. Image: ©Willemijn Hellenthal.

Cultural enrichment should be for everyone. Even beyond the large capital of Egypt. We support Dutch and Egyptian artists in Alexandria, Cairo, Minia who are featured in Panorama of EU Films, Theater is a Must, Hakawy, Jazz Tale, and Cairo Jazz festivals. We also give workshops and masterclasses for amateur and experienced artists.


Mapping Possibilities

Mapping Possibilities gives self-taught artists a chance to learn and showcase their work. The past edition featured Egyptian, Dutch and Swiss artists collaborating to produce audiovisual performances. Dutch artist Mark Ijzerman trained 10 young artists in conceptualizing A/V pieces using and representing Cairo or Egypt’ ecological state. He introduced online tools for and collecting environmental data through visual tools.