Follow us on social media

The Dutch embassy in Denmark is active on different social media platforms. Follow us on one or more platform and stay up-to-date about our latest news, new opportunities, and events that we host, sponsor or join.


If you want to stay informed of the work of our Embassy, relevant news updates for Dutch nationals in Denmark or if you want to write us a message, follow us on Facebook.


If you are particularly interested in relevant developments in the field of agriculture, nature and food quality in Denmark, follow the agriculture attaché network here.


The embassy promotes technological cooperation and trade in areas such as agri & food, horticulture, energy, smart cities en water & maritime. Follow these topics on Instagram.


On our LinkedIn page you can find information about activities, developments and opportunities between Denmark and the Netherlands, follow us here.


Watch all our podcasts, vlogs and promotional videos on Vimeo to get a better picture of our activities.