Civil society and human rights - Bangladesh

Civil society & human rights

Finding solutions together

The Netherlands and Bangladesh have been collaborating since its independence in 1971. In 2022 we celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations. Our collaboration focuses on resilient societies and institutions: human rights and civil society actors are essential to achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

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Bangladesh has shown remarkable development achievements over the past 50 years. The country has a long tradition of capable and constructive civil society stakeholders. Part of a thriving, vibrant and economically prosperous society is an active civil society: creativity and innovation thrive best in a free and safe environment. Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) play a crucial role in the achievement of human rights and in consolidating the social contract between citizens and the state.

The Netherlands strongly supports freedom of expression, assembly and association; the protection of human rights defenders and journalists, labour rights and minority rights. Support to human rights defenders is a priority within the Netherlands’ human rights policy and an integral part of the wider efforts to maintain and strengthen civic space.

As an international Human Rights partner The Netherlands is striving for increased international support for a free, open and multiform civic space. The Netherlands stands for effective justice mechanisms and international legal accountability. We will continue to work with Bangladesh to strengthen access to justice for survivors of international crimes and, in particular, gender-based violence.

For more information on this topic, contact the embassy.